Sunday, April 26, 2009

iPhone/iPod touch OS 3.0 Video Is Here

Sorry. I a bit late on this. Now we have the video. It was on you tube sence April 4, 2009. So it's a geat idea to suscribe to my videos. Link is here Click here to see the video on You Tube

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Apple iPhone OS 3.0 First Look

I got the 3.0 beta for my iPod touch 2G and it seems to have some annoying bugs, but is more stable than the 2.0 release last July. I took screen shots, so take a look. I also made a video. The video will be posted with in 2 weeks.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How Do I Change The Registered Name and Organization Of My Computer

I have gotton 2 emails asking how to change the owners name of the computer. The post below will show how to do it in six simple steps.

Thank You and have a nice evening,
Nick O

***The post below is only for a Windows XP Machiene***

How to Change the Registered Name on a Windows PC Running Windows XP

******This operation requires going into the system regestry, and if you don't follow this guide you can damage your computer. Also messing around with the regestry can damage your computer, I'm not responsible If you harm you computer doing this or modifying the regestry.******
***This only works on Windows XP Machienes***

Follow the steps provided to change the registered name and organization.

1. Click the Start Button & Select "Run"

2. Type "Regedit" in the prompt. The Registry Editor should appear.

3. Browse to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion , using the small plus signs next to the headings

4. To change the name of the registered owner:

  • In the right pane, double-click "RegisteredOwner". Under Value data, type the name that you want, and
  • then click OK

5. Change the value (name) at the prompt shown highlighted.

6. To change the name of the registered company:

    • In the right pane, double-click "RegisteredOrganization". Under Value data, type the name that you want, and
    • then click OK.
  • So just 6 simple steps. I will make a video shortly.

    ******This operation requires going into the system regestry, and if you don't follow this guide you can damage your computer. Also messing around with the regestry can damage your computer, I'm not responsible If you harm you computer doing this or modifying the regestry.******

    ***This only works on Windows XP Machienes***

    Thursday, January 1, 2009

    What's New? Today, January 1, 2009

    What's New? Today, January 1, 2009

    My Mess Ups In 2008!

    Apple iPhone 8Gb First Gen Review For AT&T